Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 Into The Wild Rhetorical Analysis 154-155

Periods 9-10:  Junior AP English
After taking attendance, please have them work on the following:
AP Style In-class Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline

(Individually) Paying close attention to tone, purpose, diction, syntax, and selection of details (whew…what a list!) reread the passage that begins with "I lay down in the rear of the old truck...."(154) and ending with "And I loved to tell my tale" (155). (10 minutes) 

(With one or two partners) Discuss your annotations and the prompt below (5 minutes) and then get started…refer to the list of tone words on pp 32-34 (you should be able to find one or two which work quite well). You’ll want to get this done today because there is a lot of reading tonight (see Homework below)

(Individually) Write the following journal entry: October 29, 2014, Into the Wild: Tone and Purpose in pages 154-155  (due tomorrow at the beginning of class): Reread the passage beginning with "I lay down in the rear of the old truck...."(154) and ending with "And I loved to tell my tale" (155). Then write a short rhetorical analysis essay in which you describe Karakauer's narrative tone/attitude in te passage and how particular rhetorical choices contribute to this tone. Also address whether or not the tone seems appropriately suited to Krakauer's subject matter and purpose(s) in this passage.  You might wish to consider diction, syntax, organization, structure, pacing, and selection of details.  The short essay should be approximately 11-15 sentences, and focus entirely on analysis; no need for an artful opening. Make sure to embed short quotes and well-chosen tone words and analytical verbs into your response. This is another candidate for later expansion into a full AP-style in-class essay.
Reminder about the difference between tone and mood: The tone of a piece of literature is the speaker's or narrator's attitude towards the subject, rather than what the reader feels, as in mood. Mood is the general feeling or atmosphere that a piece of writing creates within the reader.

·         Read and annotate pp 172-203 (Finish the book).
·         I hope to be back tomorrow and to hand back the remainder of the essays; if I already gave you a hard copy or sent you a digital copy of your essay, please print it and bring it Thursday and Friday, as we will do some review of common problems/struggles I observed in the essays and talk about rewrite/partial rewrite options. Oh, and if you received a graded digital copy from me, please underline or circle my highlighted portions if they do not show up when you print them.

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