Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Learning Target: I can use literature as a means of reflecting on my own beliefs and values.

Form Groups of three.
Pick up your revised questions from yesterday.
Remembering the characteristics of a good, lively conversation, discuss your questions, alternating leadership roles.  Make sure you discuss a mix of interpretive and evaluative questions. You may discuss any of your questions from the last couple of days.

Interpretive: If Thoreau thinks "that the world is not governed by policy and expediency," then what (or who) would he think governs the world based on what he has said in the rest of the essay (16)? 

Radical by Supertramp

Evaluative Question: How might the lyrics in this song relate to Chris McCandless and Thoreau? How might they not?

  1. Re-read 16-17, in light of the following question: Interpretive: If Thoreau thinks "that the world is not governed by policy and expediency," then what (or who) would he think governs the world based on what he has said in the rest of the essay (16)? 
  2. For those of you doing the skill-based revision assignment, at a minimum, bring in your rationale statement and your annotated source materials.
  3. Type one of the following...No more than one page in length...  Constitution for the State of ___________________(some derivation of your name) or a A Personal Moral Code, which might address, among other things, your relationship/conduct toward others, the state (i.e., the ruling government),  the earth, the Divine, etc.
  4. Bring Emerson's "Self-Reliance and Other Essays"

McCandless and Thoreau aren't the only ones who think nature is pretty neat.

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