Monday, March 23, 2015

Learning Target: I can read examples of student AP exam essays and reflect on strategies for writing an AP synthesis essay.

Activity 1: Review the AP Exam scoring (5 mins)

Activity 2: 15 minutes to read student examples; on your own essay, ans write the following short reflections at the top of page 1 or at the end of your practice paper from Friday.  

1) My biggest challenge in writing the essay was...

2) A helpful new insight I gained after reading the student samples was...

3) Two strategies I might consider for reading and writing the next synthesis essay...

Activity 3 (5 mins):  Discuss your response to 1-3 with a partner

Activity 4 (20 mins): Silent reading time

HW: Catch-up day. Read and carefully annotate 68-75 in Beloved.   

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