Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Research the Spanish Civil War and bullfighting.

Respond to the questions on turnitin.com on the discussion board.

1) What were the main issues of the Spanish Civil War? Who were the main combatants? Which groups of people tended to be which sides? Cite your source.

2).  "Running with head down Enrique came forward and Paco swung the apron just ahead of the knife blade as it passed close in front of his belly..." Does this story praise courage or deliver a cautionary message about it? 

3). Why do you think Hemingway spend so much time developing the characters of the bullfighters only to essentially leave them behind when he reaches the Paco-centered stages of the story? What role do the bullfighters play in the story?

4) Do you think Hemngway thinks it is better to die with a head "full of illusions", like Paco, or to die aware of a fuller truth of the world?

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