Sunday, December 3, 2017

Civil Disobedience

What's on tap for today...

Emerson Tweets...
My attempts...
Speak your mind; mind not that others may call you inconsistent.
God lies within; ignore the mob’s noise without.

Too much reverence prevents living in the present.

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Finish reading Civil Disobedience

By 11:59 tonight, post one entry consisting of two questions to Canvas. Write two discussion questions:1) one should be evaluative - a question that uses the text as a springboard to explore what you think of one of Thoreau's ideas or it's implications for society or the individual today) and 2) another should be interpretive/inferential in nature (questions that explore/interpret the meaning/intent of specific lines or passages which may be complex, ambiguous, or appear to conflict with other points in the essay).  Furthermore, one of the question should be linked to a passage in in pp 1-9; the other should come from a passage found in pages 10-18. 

On Tuesday, you will respond to two of these questions on Canvas.

On Wednesday, we will discuss the text.

On Thursday you will write an essay in response to the following: 

Civil Disobedience, The Individual and Authority…In this course, we have studied a variety of texts that have explored the costs and benefits of being an individual and the wide array of approaches people can take to maintain their values and integrity, their freedom and identity.  At the same time, these texts have captured the social forces that individuals who pursue a ‘self-reliant’ lifestyle have to confront or struggle against—whether it be pressure to conform to political or religious orthodoxy, or to economic, intellectual, and family norms.

Craft an essay in which you analyze the ways that Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience speaks to the broad theme of ‘the individual and authority.’  Structure should include one introductory paragraph, two well-developed body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph (if you have the time and something meaningful to say).

Concerning points/grades: While there will not be time for revision work on the Into the Wild paper, the following might boost your grade a little before the semster exam:  Everyone will receive 10 out of 10 points for the Into The Wild quiz. I was going to drop it entirely because performance was all over the board, but decided to do this instead.

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