Monday, December 1, 2014

The Awakening

Read the questions submitted by your classmates, and choose one to respond to with a thoughtful paragraph.

Get into groups. Small group discussion...Groups 1-5

Select one question from your group's questions which you feel would be worth pursuing more in a large group setting. The person who wrote the question (or a nominated/volunteering stand-in) will be the discussion facilitator while discussing that question in the larger group setting.  

Partner up...three members of your group will be on the inside of the circle, while the other two will sit directly behind them, whispering responses in th

Time permitting Begin homework

The Awakening Found Poem Journal, December 1, 2014...Find two or three passages which struck you as significant on some level.  Circle the 50 best words you can find in those passages: words which capture your attention due to their sound, their meaning, their connotation, their power, their subtlety. 

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