Friday, January 23, 2015

Great Gatsby Chapter 1

Learning Target...I can contribute to a sustained and insightful conversation about characters and plot in The Great Gatsby.

Gatsby Reading Log sheet

Groups of four...
Discuss the poem which precedes chapter 1.  Meaning?  What does it hint at as possibly following in the  novel?

Find and share two of your inference annotations with your group.  What page/passage(s) did they address and what were your inferences? Explain your reasoning.  Try to avoid repeating the same inferences as other group members, although you should definitely discuss overlapping inferences with them.

Chapter one characterization...Look at your annotation guide for the characters. If you haven't already done so, find one defining/descriptive passage or sentence which seems to capture the essence of the character in some way.  Write the page and paragraph and bracket the passage, sentence, or phrase in your book.

Annotation check..Remember to do happening's captions...what is happening in the story?  A couple words per page.
Inference: Make an inferential annotation every other page.  

HW: Read and annotate chapters 2 and 3 and complete the annotation guide journals for each chapter.

Putting the synthesis essays on hold for now.

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