Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015

Learning Objectives:  Using my own knowledge of human nature and textual evidence from The Great Gatsby, I can write and speak insight-fully about the novel.

Regarding late work: Please leave late work (e.g., missing hard copies of Gatsby-esque party scene) from yesterday on my desk at the end of class.

January 29th Journal Prompt (discussion starter):  What do Gatsby's actions around Daisy tell us about his character? How do these actions (as well as Chapter 4 information about Gatsby, Daisy and Tom) help to reveal a different side of Gatsby and perhaps suggest an underlying drive that may be affecting Gatsby and causing him to live the way he does? 

Question courtesy of TJ Williams, 10th period
9th period

  Please take 8 minutes to formulate an approximately 1-page long response which incorporates at least one piece of embedded textual evidence from both chapter 4 and 5, respectively.
Period 9:  Students who submitted chapter 5 questions to will receive 8 points each.
Group A: Michelle, Anders, Emily, Dana, Connor
Group B: Rebecca, Krupa, Amy B, Yair, Anisa
Group C: Claire, Carolyn, Abby, Andrea, Sean
Group D: Colin, Chris, Sam, Matt, Michael
Students not on in one of the groups above did not submit a question to turnitin for chaptr5 and they will participate in their own discussion of TJ's question, and then independently write written half-page responses with at least one embedded quote to the following questions: Michelle’s question (#1) Connor’s question (#5), Amy B’s (#12), and ).  They will submit their three 1/2 page response at the end of class in order to gain back potentially 6 of the 8 points they did not receive for submitting Chapter 5 questions to last night  (Ayah, Amy L, Anna)).

Homework: Read Chapter 6 and post one discussion question on and respond to another student’s question on

Period 10 discussion groups:

Group A: Jack Blahnik, Maggie, Cora, TJ, Anna P,

Group B: Ellie, Claudia, Meg, Cecilia, Alexa,

Group C:  Anna C, Gene, Colleen, Sam and Jacob

The above students will receive 8 points each for having submitted chapter 5 questions to They will also participate in small group discussions focusing on response to TJ's question and the questions written by each of their group members.

Students not on that list will participate in a separate discussion of TJ's question, and then independently write written half-page responses with at least one embedded quote to the following questions: Cora's question (#3) , Ellie's and Cecilia's questions combined (#5 and #8), and Claudia and Jacob's questions (# 6 and #15).  They will submit their three 1/2 page response at the end of class in order to gain potentially back 6 of the 8 points they did not receive for submitting questions to  (Liz, Talya, Audrey, Kiera, Jack, Mary).

Homework: Read Chapter 6 and post one discussion question on and respond to another student’s question on

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