Monday, May 11, 2015

AP Lang Test Prep Day 6: Satire

Satire!!!  Funny, funny, ha ha or a tearing of flesh!

HW: Read 26-36 in The Things They Carried

Vietnam Draft Announcement

1.1. Inferential Question:  O’Brien gives us repeated peaks into Jimmy Cross’s mind, especially as it is preoccupied with Martha.  On page 1, O’Brien writes, “More than anything, he wanted Martha to love him as he loved her,” and it seems clear that she does not love him.  Why do you think that Jimmy Cross loves Martha so much?  Why do you think that Martha apparently does not feel the same way about him?

22. Inferential Question:  Why did Lieutenant Jimmy Cross feel guilty about Ted Lavender’s Death?(page 6)

33. Inferential Question: What does O’Brien mean when he says “They used a hard vocabulary to contain the terrible softness” (20)?  What is a hard vocabulary? A terrible softness?

4.  Inferential Question:  What does O’Brien mean when he writes “They were too frightened to be cowards” (top of 22)? 

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