Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Things They Carried (Day 2)

Learning Target: I can reflect on the language and activities people adopt to hide their fear.

Activity #1) Bellringer (10 minutes; 5 minutes per question):  Answer each of the following with short quotes from the text embedded into your responses (three to four sentences each):

      Inferential Question #1): What does O’Brien mean when he says “They used a hard vocabulary to contain the terrible softness” (20)?  What is a hard vocabulary? A terrible softness? What is the relationship between to the two. 

Inferential Question # 2:)  What does O’Brien mean when he writes “They were too frightened to be cowards” (top of 22)? 

Activity 2: Discuss questions (5 mins)

Activity 3:Reading Time (25 mins): Read On The Rainy River, Enemies and Friends (pp 37-63); 

Homework: Finish reading On The Rainy River, Enemies and Friends.  Quiz tomorrow on pages 1-63 (chapters 1-6).

I am currently grading your Beloved essays and I
will return those on Monday or Tuesday. 

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