Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Last night's work: Finished reading to the top of page 20 in Chapter 1 of The Language of Composition

Bellringer: Re-read the King's Speech on pages 8-9. Then, with a partner, create a SOAPS chart (like the on on page 6) for the King's Speech.  (10 mins)

Discuss King's speech SOAPS as a class. (5 mins)

Watch the King's speech
Ethos as the credibility of the speaker or the shared values/ethics of  speaker and audience

Reading: What are the SOAPS of the image on 15? How does it appeal to logos, ethos, and pathos?

HW: AP Vocabulary Words 1-5 quiz for tomorrow: SOAPS words (Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Speaker).

Bring your non-fiction book from the AP Summer Reading list (not the one you read from the general LT reading list).

You will write a book review in class tomorrow.

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