Monday, November 23, 2015

Chapter 16: The Alaska Interior (156-171) (ten minutes followed by discussion) What do McCandless’s journal entries on pages 168 and 169 suggest about how his travels and experiences have changed him?  What has he learned and what does he seem to value most? In your opinion, has he gained any of the wisdom or self-knowledge that he seems to have been seeking? (Embed at least two quotes – with page #’s)

Chapter 17: The Stampede Trail (172-186): (ten minutes of writing followed by discussion) How does the commentary of Krakauer and his friends on their youthful experiences influence your view of McCandless?  What were some of the things that they said about their experiences or about McCandless which you felt had some merit and why?  (Embed at least two quotes – with page #’s)

Homework: Read chapter 18 and the epilogue.

Tomorrow: Discuss the ending…get The Scarlet Letter papers back…discuss revision option… 15-20 question, 30-40 point matching or fill-in-the blank quiz on Into The Wild vocab words from chapters 7-10, 13-15 and content from chapters 16-through the epilogue (plan on it being tomorrow, but I might have to put it off until after Thanksgiving).

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