Tuesday, December 8, 2015

1)  In your estimation, what is the bottom line, the essence, of the the first 10 pages? Write it in the form of a thesis sentence.  

2) What was the most compelling or interesting line/passage for you in the pages 19-29? Explain why. What opinions, reactions, convictions did it arouse in you either in sympathy with, or in opposition to, the quote?

Tonight: Reminder...look up all vocab words you don't know. Read and annotate pages 29-39 and respond on turnitin.com to two of the four of the following by 7 am tomorrow: 

In pages 29-39...
1) Which line(s) or passage(s) do you think might appeal most to Chris McCandless? Why?

2) Which lines or passages do you feel might appeal most to Hawthorne? Why?

3) Which lines might appeal most to Mr. Keating. Why?

4) Which lines do you find most intriguing, either because you agree with them, disagree with them, or have a question about what he means?  Explain why you chose your lines.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we will discuss Emerson and your responses to these questions.

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