Monday, January 25, 2016

Sorry, but I'm moving slow today.  Had flu or food poisoning this week.  

We will discuss the following in small groups:

In what ways is The Awakening a psychological journey of the chaotic eruptions which tend to follow years of repression/oppression?

In what ways is this a text in travail, a spiritual story of a soul's messy and tragic search for its path to wholeness?

2) Have a whole group discussion (If I'm feeling up to it)

Quiz on Tuesday on chapters 19-39
vocab words  (10-15 questions) and content for chapters 19-39 (10-15 questions); format for vocab and content will be similar to last Awakening Quiz

Vocab Quiz List for The Awakening chapters 19-36

Chapter 19
expedients – acts meant to bring about desired effects 
insolent – boldly disrespectful 
tacit – unspoken but understood

Chapter 22
laurels – past achievements

chapter 23
coquetted – flirted
perambulations – walks

chapter 24
ardent – passionate 
coercion – intimidation 
filial – of, relating to, or befitting of a son or daughter; having the relation of a child to a parent

chapter 25
apprised – made aware of
infidelity – a breach of loyalty
pretext – excuse

chapter 26
effulgence – radiance

chapter 28
assailed – overwhelmed

chapter 29
bade – urged

chapter 30
diminutive – small 
inquisitive – desiring information, nosey 
vivacious – full of life 
volition – using free will 

chapter 32
sumptuous – costly, lavish

chapter 33
imprudent – lacking in caution or good judgment 
irresolute – uncertain 
repose – tranquility

chapter 34
acquiesced – to agree; to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent 

chapter 35
latent – present but hidden or under the surface

chapter 36

subterfuges – activities marked by secrecy and deception

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