Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8, 2016
The Great Gatsby, chapters 4 and 5 discussion
First Half of Class:

Quick Write and discussion: In chapter 4, on page 65, Gatsby asks Nick “what’s your opinion of me, anyhow?” Nick, the narrator, reveals “A little overwhelmed, I began the generalized evasions which that question deserves.” But now, I put the question to you: what is your opinion of Gatsby?  Try to consider the breadth of information you have encountered so far in the novel (chapters 1-5).  Embed at least two quotes in your response.  Then we will discuss.  Ten minutes to write; 5 minutes pair and share; ten minutes to discuss as a class.

2nd Half of Class
Chapter 5: Sound and sense: Fitzgerald has a knack for creating beautifully written passages which appeal strongly to our senses, but which also make sense both in terms of imparting some feeling or mood and conveying some meaning about a character or situation. Find two passages which use imagery and appeal to the senses, and which also convey a particular mood and/or idea.  Briefly discuss the details and the overall style of each passage, and how they are connected to evince a particular mood, atmosphere, and or idea.  Ten minutes to write; 5 minutes pair and share; ten minutes to discuss as a class.

Homework: Read chapter 6 and write one discussion question

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