Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wesley 3AP agenda for April 14, 2016 through April 18, 2016
April 14, 2016
Connections...other literature, art, life
Surprises...self explanatory
Questions...any type of authentic question which allows for discussion
Provide a portion of quote and page number to go with each.
I will be out Friday, April 15, and Monday, April 18 because of a surgery. During that time, you should read and annotate pages 139 (beginning of chapter 12) to the break towards the bottom of page 213 (which is about a third of the way through chapter 19).
We will do a Beloved AP practice test today or tomorrow (15 questions and 30 points).  I have read through it carefully, and I will tell you that I already plan on curving it, so don't panic if you struggle with a number of the questions. You will have 25 minutes.  I am providing an AP vocab sheeet tailored specifically to these questions.  You will learn in the process of taking this.

April 15: Beloved AP reading passages and Silent Reading
April 18: Silent Reading

AP reading practice
AP Vocab Terms for Beloved AP style assessment
Synechdoche: using one part of an object to represent something else (for example, referring to a car simply as “wheels”
Anthropomorphism: an interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics
litotes: a type of understatement in which an idea is expressed by negating its opposite (describing a particularly horrific scene by saying “It was not a pretty picture.”)
hyperbole: exaggeration
irony: the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; or, incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs
sarcasm: harsh, cutting language or tone intended to ridicule
conceit: a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor
parallelism: the use of corresponding grammatical or syntactical forms
understatement: the deliberate representation of something as lesser in magnitude than it actually is; a deliberate under-emphasis

synaesthesia: describing one kind of sensation in terms of another (“a loud color”, “a sweet sound”)

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