Friday, April 8, 2016

With a partner...take 30 minutes and write 
one to one and half pages on the following (5 points)

1) What clues are there to suggest that Beloved is the incarnation of Sethe's dead baby? Embed quotes with page #'s. (one page)

2) Thinking like a writer...Speculate as to some possible reasons why Morrison might choose to resurrect the baby in the form of Beloved?  How could you imagine Morrison using this twist to explore important themes and topics in the book? (1/2 a page)

Prd 1: Hand in by 9:10 and then read.
Prd 2: Hand in by 10:00
Prd 3: Hand in by 11:00

HW: Read 6-8 for Monday and chapter 9 for Tuesday.

Prds 3 & 4 have group guidance on Monday, 4/11.
Prds 2 has group guidance on Friday, 4/15.

On group guidance day, report here and then go to the basement of the library to meet with your counselor. Complete the game plan survey in Naviance this weekend. Counselors sent an email to you earlier this week with instructions.

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