Friday, November 4, 2016

Due to Snowball, Kairos, and the Cubs (and miscellaneous other abscences), there will be no weekend reading. 

Monday, November 7 will be a reading day. Finish chapters 14-15 (133 -156) for Tuesday.  

Monday night: From chapters 12 to 15, type two intiriguing quotes (with page #'s) and follow each of them with brief (two to four sentences) typed commentary on why you found them significant. You might consider what the particular quote suggests about Chris McCandless's or Jon Krakauer's peronality, their motivations for seeking out dangerous, challenging adventures, or what the quote suggests about human nature in general? Use one analytical verb in each comment. Underline the analytical verb. Due by 630 am, November 8 (5 points).

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