Monday, December 12, 2016

Civil Disobedience pp 9-18

Evaluative question: 

Thoreau makes it clear that "those who call themselves abolitionists should at once effectually withdraw their support" unless they take action, even if the public does not "constitute a majority" (8). He communicates that you should not vocalize your support regarding an issue unless you are prepared to do something about it. What examples are there today of people supporting a cause yet not taking any action? Are there any people today like Thoreau that stick up for an issue and are also willing to take action to create change? Who?

Small group pp 9-18 inferential/evaluative question check...

Annotation and question check...

Write your names on a sheet of paper....

Find four passages that parallel ideas in Letter From Birmingham Jail....

Four entries...Quote the passage and explain why/how this passage relates to Letter From Birmingham Jail

Fifth entry...
Why did he object to the Mexican American War?

Bonus: How did the Iraq war parallel the Mexican American War?

Hand in the paper toward end of class...

Please submit one textually-based inferential or evaluative/applied question inspired, at least in part, by a passage in  pp 9-18.

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