Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thematic Synthesis Essay

This semester we have studied a variety of texts that have explored the costs and benefits of being an individual and the wide array of approaches people can take to maintain their values and integrity, their freedom and identity. "Self-Reliance" by the great Transcendentalist thinker and writer Ralph Waldo Emerson continues that trend.  

Emerson's thoughts have had a profound influence on everyone from Chris McCandless to countless other seekers, theologians, and leaders in the past two centuries. He is one of America's great treasures.And in a world where conformity and social media pressures increasingly encroach on our ability to think for ourselves and truth is treated with little respect, his messages may be especially timely.  

As you read "Self-Reliance" think about the various works we have read this semester and what they say about a ‘self-reliant’ lifestyle, What do they say about living with integrity and, in some cases, confronting some oppressive power —whether it be pressure to conform to political or religious orthodoxy, or to economic, intellectual, and family norms.

By the way, on the final you will craft an essay in which you analyze the ways different works that we’ve studied can teach precise lessons about the broad theme of ‘the individual and authority.’  

As you read tonight, find two passages that you can connect to one or more other readings we have done this year.  Write a paragraph about one of them, and submit it to "Emerson Connections".

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