Friday, May 12, 2017

What passages caught your attention and why?

Do a double-entry journal  with  two key passages on the left, and your reactions on the right.  What connections, thoughts, emotions does it evoke for you and explain why? 

Choose one passage that you feel provides a good example of O'Brien's writing style.
What are some rhetorical strategies he employs, what are some characteristics of his style?

First consider big picture items:  What is O'Brien's purpose(s) in the passage?  What does he want the reader to think, feel, question, etc.?

What are his broad rhetorical strategies? What words would you use to describe his style, his tone?

How does he use overall paragraph organization and syntax and to what ends? What effects does his organization and syntax create in the reader's head?

What other ground level rhetorical characteristics did you notice and how would you describe his use of them and the effects they created? (Consider elements such as diction, syntax, selection of details, imagery, figurative language, etc.).  Describe them; don't just say "he uses a lot of imagery." What kind of imagery? Use adjectives!

HW:  Small change to schedule: Read "Love" (26-29) and "Spin" (30-37)

For discussion…
1.    On page 5, O’Brien writes, “Depending on numerous factors, such as topography and psychology, the riflemen carries anywhere from 12 to 20 magazines, usually in old cloth bandoliers, adding on another 8.4 pounds at a minimum, 14 pounds maximum.”
a.     Factual/literal question:  What is the definition of “topography”?

b.    Inferential question:  Why would “topography and psychology” affect their decision on how much ammunition to carry?

2.    Inferential Question:  O’Brien gives us repeated peaks into Jimmy Cross’s mind, especially as it is preoccupied with Martha.  On page 1, O’Brien writes, “More than anything, he wanted Martha to love him as he loved her,” and it seems clear that she does not love him.  Why do you think that Jimmy Cross loves Martha so much?  Why do you think that Martha apparently does not feel the same way about him?

3.    Inferential Question:  Why did Lieutenant Jimmy Cross feel guilty about Ted Lavender’s Death?(page 6)

4.    Inferential Question: What does O’Brien mean when he says “They used a hard vocabulary to contain the terrible softness” (20)?  What is a hard vocabulary? A terrible softness?

5.    Inferential Question:  What does O’Brien mean when he writes “They were too frightened to be cowards” (top of 22)? 

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