Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017 - Introduction and Beginning-of-Year Self Assessment Letter

August 22, 2017

All Classes in DC West
- Attendance
- Turnitin.com registration.  The Keyword is WESLEY

15882897            3AP prd 1 sem 1 1718     
15882957            3AP prd 3 sem 1 1718     

15882969            3AP prd 8 sem 1 1718  

LT Heading:
(your name)
(teacher’s name)
(class name and period)

- Introduction and Beginning-of-Year Self Assessment Letter

Self-Assessment #1
Introduction and Beginning-of-Year Self-Assessment Letter
Purpose: This letter will help me 1) get to know each of you personally and as an English student, 2) provide you with an opportunity to reflect on your experience as a student of language and 3) allow you to begin reflecting on your reading, writing, and discussion goals for this year. FYI…I will read this, but I will not grade it. 
Directions: In a conversational letter, tell me about yourself. For the sake of efficiency and thoroughness, please follow the format below:
Dear Mr. Wesley,
Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself, say “hi”, and tell me a little bit about where you live, your family, and what classes you are taking this year.
Paragraphs 2 and 3: Share a little bit more about yourself. In no particular order (I’ll leave it up to you as to what you choose to put in paragraphs 2 or 3, respectively), address some (or all) of the following: hobbies, activities, places you have lived, languages other than English spoken in by you and/or other family members at home, a person you look up to (and why), favorite childhood memory, a memorable recent event, an accomplishment your proud of, how you like to spend your free-time, pets, and most memorable recent event. Also, share some of your favorites: TV show, musical artists, food, book, school subject, movie, sports team.
Paragraph 4: How do you see the study of English/language arts impacting your life now and in the future?  In your opinion, how is it relevant or meaningful to your life? Also, what can you and I do in this class to make it more meaningful?
Paragraph 5: Please address the following: What are your strengths in language arts? Reading, writing, discussion? Which specific reading, writing or discussion skills do you feel are strengths for you? Conversely, what do you struggle with or feel you need to work on? What English skills would you most like to improve upon this year?
Paragraph 6: Anything you want to share that wasn’t covered in the earlier paragraphs or just a short, polite closing …

Your Name

When you are done, please save it to your LT English folder, print two copies - one for your binder and one to hand in to me - and submit it to turnitin.com.  

Time Permitting: Review part of syllabus

HW: Find my blogspot on your phone/computer and make it a favorite/like it...no, I'm not trying to win a cyber popularity contest, just want you to know where to find class info.

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