Monday, August 28, 2017

Scarlet Letter Day 1

Collect Syllabus

Puritan sharing
Scarlet Letter Graffiti 

1. List one unwritten rule for surviving in high school.
2. What comes to mind when you hear the word “clique?”

3. List one clique that exists in this school.
4. In what way do you (and people in general) conform to what is expected of you?
Review responses and have a discussion

The Puritans

1. What do you know, or what have you heard, about the Puritans? What is their reputation? What associations does the word “Puritan” have for you?

2. Have you ever heard someone talk about being branded with a scarlet letter or call someone a scarlet woman? What might this mean?

A new girl has transferred to your school. As she passes through the hall, you overhear some boys and girls in your class whisper that she is a slut. What is your response?

1. What does guilt look like? Draw a symbol for guilt.
2. Your friends are angry at you. Would you rather get the silent treatment or be angrily confronted? Briefly explain your choice.
3. Write a definition for “scapegoat.” Add to the definition written by your peers by giving examples.
4. What are some possible reasons someone might not speak up for themselves when they are being treated unfairly or are simply misunderstood.?

HW: Read Scarlet Letter ch 1-II (33-41)

Write questions in margin
Keep track of characters
What do you notice about the cultural setting?
What about the physical setting?
Circle and look up all vocabulary words that you find challenging.
Are there places where you feel the text invites you to read for figurative/symbolic meaning? Where?  Why?
What do you think of the narrator?  What makes him trustworthy or not?  Do you think he is essentially represents Hawthorne's perspective and attitudes or some other one, i.e., he is essentially a another character, a creation of Hawthorne's, a persona? Why?

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