Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Activity 1: Make two lists...In terms of preparation and the actual discussion...

1)What are the characteristics of a bad literary discussion?
2) What are the characteristics of a good literary discussion?

Activity 2) I will facilitate a large group discussion (half the class) using student questions and theme reflections.  The other half will observe and comment on both the questions raised and characteristics of the discussion.

Homework/Activity 3: Read chapter 8 (pp 74-80) and write a text-based thematic reflection, and one discussion question for tomorrow.

Tomorrow there will be a reading quiz on chapters 1-7: (15-20 points)
It will consist of  a series of direct quotes.  I will ask you to either identify who is speaking, or who is speaking to whom.  If you are closely reading and annotating and use context clues, you should be able to correctly answer the questions.

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