Monday, January 23, 2017

Requiem for Edna

Discuss your respective paragraphs...
Why do you think Chopin chose to end the novel with Edna's death rather than with a more hopeful ending?

Double Entry Journal

What are some passages from this weekend's reading which provided specific insights into human nature/ the human condition?  Which passages somehow address or illustrate (directly or indirectly) why humans behave the way they do? Identify four that you and your partner can agree upon. 

On one side, provide the passage and page number...

On the other side, do two things...1) provide context:
Identify the context in which the passage occurs (speaker/narrator, plot/rhetorical situation) 
and 2) explain the relevance of the passage to specific characters and to providing a glimpse into human nature and behavior in general.  


Quote identification quiz for ch 19-39 tomorrow (10 questions/20 points)

Begin working on your essay for Thursday.

Tomorrow: 1) take quiz; 2) discuss human nature quotes; 3) plan for Thursday essay

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