Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Making connections...

What divisions geographically and otherwise exist in chapter 1?  Discuss, making sure to include reference to passages that address these.
Brainstorm two or three divisions that are suggested in Chapter 1.  Write the division and a corresponding relevant quotes from Chapter 1.

Left hand column        Right Hand Column
Divisions                     Relevant quotes from Ch 1 

Then, form groups of three and discuss the divisions you see suggested in chapter 1 and the questions you raised last night...

What are your impressions of the narrator?
What are his best/most intriguing lines? 

What are your impressions of Daisy?
What do you base them on?

What are your impressions of Jordan?
What do you base them on?

What are your impressions of Tom? What are they based upon?


Allusions...Look up the "The Rise of the Colored Empires" on the internet (just learn what it was about - you don't have to read it).  What does the fact that Tom is reading it suggest about Tom and what Fitzgerald thinks about Tom as a character? (one paragraph in your notebook)

and read the poem that precedes the  novel:

“Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
 If you can bounce high, bounce for her
too, Till she cry, ‘Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you!’”

1. What do you think this poem means (consider why there is the repetition of the words
“hat”, “gold”, “lover”, and “bounce”)? (one paragraph in your notebook)

2. What does it suggest or imply to you about some of the topics and personalities the novel might explore? (one paragraph in your notebook)

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