Thursday, September 21, 2017

Scarlet Letter ch 21-24

(12 minutes) Respond to 1)  the question below and 2) another question posted on which you found intriguing but which you did not already respond to online last night. Most of you response should be in your own words, representing an organic response to the question, but also embed in your response a small quote that is in some way germane to your thinking on the matter.


Related to a matter at hand, especially to a subject under discussion

1) On page 175, as Pearl kisses Dimmsdale on the scaffold, she starts crying and her tears "were a pledge that she would grow up amid human joy and sorrow." After so many instances of the other characters calling Pearl a demon or comparing her to satan, why is this sudden emotion displayed? What was Hawthorne's purpose in connecting Pearl to sympathy and perhaps even love? What does it have to do with how she will go forward in life, and how she used to act? What is the significance of her crying over Dimmsdale?

2) respond to a classmate's question

No homework

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