Thursday, September 7, 2017 is down again...Sorry about this, but please rewrite your question from last night in your notebook...make sure to include the page number.

 We know that Pearl is Hawthorne's creation, and that authors use characters as tools, and the interactions of characters with one another, the universe, society, etc., often creates conflict, another authorial tool used by the writer to explore ideas.  So what is Pearl to Hawthorne?  That is, what do you think Hawthorne intends her to be? A typical child? Demon-spawn? A savior? Something else?   

Write a full paragraph in which you explore this question.  Make your thinking, reasoning, and questioning transparent - walk us through your reasoning and questioning process. After about 5 minutes of written thinking, end your paragraph with a bold (or not so bold) claim about who or what you  believe Pearl is (based on what you know about her so far - your ideas may change as the novel progresses).

For good measure, write down two quotes (with page numbers) that somehow contributed to your thoughts on Hawthorne's use of Pearl.

Groups of three...

Discuss your questions from last night...

Discuss the Pearl question I posed yesterday...

Of the three or four questions discussed by your group, choose one that generated the most interest and have one member of your group (either a volunteer or elected) to bring that question to the discussion. a question that generated

I need one volunteer from each group to join a whole group discussion...

Homework: Vocab and chapter 1-10 quiz: word and character banks
Vocab quiz - 15 words/15 points
Content quiz 15 questions/30 points

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