Sunday, October 29, 2017

Watch "Happy"

Tomorrow - Bring Into The Wild
Into The Wild
Vocabulary Unit # 1

Vocabulary has a profound effect on your reading comprehension, something that will become very apparent this year as you take ACT’s, SAT’s and AP exams. Krakauer’s prose style in Into the Wild is modern and accessible, but he throws in a fancy word from time to time. This is a great book for expanding your vocabulary; take advantage of the opportunity. Also, we’ll have a few vocab quizzes, so stay on top of your words.

On a separate sheet of paper, write down the word, part of speech, the definition, and the sentence from the book or a sentence from another source which contains context clues. Underline the word. You may handwrite the work in the space below or type it.

transcendent (intro)    sonorous (4)                plebian (18)                unencumbered (22)
asceticism (intro)       meandered (5)            nomadic (19)              

unsullied (4)               cursory (13)                altruistic (19)

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