Thursday, October 12, 2017

Independent Reading

Today...This Boy's Life, Part II:  Read the excerpt from This Boy's Life by Tobias Wolff and  respond to the prompt.  We, the junior year English teachers, read and assess (grade) these and use them as the basis for discussing ways to help students grow as writers (this provides a common writing experience which we can reflect upon). You will recieve a 5 completion points for a full, earnest effort. So don't sweat it, but do your best work.

Tomorrow is definitely a tweener...a Friday of a short week between units. This presents a perfect opportunity for something we don't do often enough (or at all) in 3AP...independent reading.

Bring in a book that someone has recommended to you or that you have just been wanting to read for some time now...or perhaps there is a book that you have started, really liked, but just have not had the time to finish...make it a novel or longer work of non-fiction...towards the end of the period, I will have you do a little bit of writing/reflection on what you read.  Capisce?

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