Friday, October 13, 2017

Independent Reading

Independent Reading
Today is definitely a tweener...a Friday of a short week between units. This presents a perfect opportunity for something we don't do often enough (or at all) in 3AP...independent reading.

Read a book that someone has recommended to you or that you have just been wanting to read for some time now...or perhaps there is a book that you have started, really liked, but just have not had the time to finish...make it a novel or longer work of non-fiction...this weekend I will have you do a little bit of writing/reflection on what you read (see the assignment below).

Homework:  Bring this book again on Monday (or if you're bored with it, bring another one - we will have some independent reading time on Monday)

Also, on discussion board: "Independent Reading # 1"  (3 points)

- Provide the t
itle and author and date of publication
- What is your book about? - two to three sentence encapsulation
- Share something interesting from today's reading...quick quote (with page number) and  your reaction to it - essentially why did this stand out for you?
- comment on one other person's book: possible comments...1) this sounds interesting because; 2) I read this book, too, and (share something that stuck with you - without spoiling the book for them); 3) if you like (or don't like) the book you're reading, you might want to try reading ______________ because ______________; 4) some other meanigful response of your choosing.

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