Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 19, 2014 3AP

August 19, 2014 Intro to Argument Journal: 
Re-read the third paragraph on page 5 of last night's reading.  Given their definition of argument do you agree that "the clothes you wear, the foods you eat, and the groups you join make nuanced, sometimes unspoken arguments about who (we) are and what (we) value"? Provide some examples of your own, using yourself and classmates and teachers.  What "arguments" might certain clothes, foods, groups and activities suggest? 


What about architecture? How can architecture be an argument? Think about LTHS north campus. What arguments about educating the teenage masses might we infer from the physical structure that is LT? 


What is the Rogerian model of argument?  For what types of situations or topics - would the Rogerian model be better than a more aggressive " one winner & one loser" type of argument?

Page 8 - The offset bold paragraph on this page contains an excerpt from A Wall Street Journal in which the author uses statistics to support his argument.  Do the statistics improve the ethos or logos of his argument?  What questions might a critical reader have regarding his claims or the statistics used?  

Police dealings with the mentally ill
What arguments might we discern from the NPR report concerning the treatment of the mentally ill by police departments and the legal system? What factors lend to the ethos of the reporter and the police officer?

Homework for tomorrow: Read the Intro to Rhetoric handout from The Language of Composition 

Due Thursday, August 21: 

  • Bring The Tortilla Curtain .
  • Also bring your signed syllabus sheet on Thursday, August 21.

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