Monday, August 25, 2014

August 26, 2014

Learning Target: Refresh and reinforce rhetorical awareness and the lexicon of rhetoric.


Read pages 52-63 in the LOC.

Bring the Tortilla Curtain tomorrow.

Bellringer:  Non-fiction Summer Reading Reflection Assignment...(10 points; 15-20 minutes) On a clean sheet of paper, copy/rewrite word-for word a paragraph from your non-fiction book  which you felt was especially interesting, significant, or which you could relate to in some way.  (Make sure to include the author's last name and the page number at the end of the quote.) Oh, at the top of the page, please write "An excerpt from title of book you read".

Reflecting on the paragraph you copied, write a well-developed (7-11 sentences) paragraph addressing the author's :
  • What is one of author's major argument(s) in this book? Use the broad definition of argument embodied in the idea that everything is an argument.
  • How is this passage related to, or how does it support, the author's argument(s) in this book?
  • Did this passage appeal to you primarily through ethos, pathos, or logos and why?

Pair and share with a partner...

When you are finished, please give this to Mr. Wesley.

  • Take rhetorical terms quiz
  • Winston Churchill: The New Administration (aka.  Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat) from the 3 minute mark on Winston Churchill's New Administration speech
  • What do you notice about the following: What is the purpose of the last paragraph? How would you describe its tone?  What connections can you make between the diction and syntax of the paragraph and its purpose and tone?


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