Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 21, 2014 3 AP Tortilla Curtain

Activity 1. (15 minutes) Bellringer...(10 points) On a clean sheet of paper, copy/rewrite word-for word a paragraph from The Tortilla Curtain  which you felt was especially significant (don't forget to include the page number following the quote.) 

Reflecting on the paragraph you just copied, write a well-developed (10-15 sentences) reflection paragraph explaining why you felt it was important and how it supports - ether directly or indirectly - some argument which you believe TC Boyle is making in the book.

When you finish the above prompt, please put it aside and begin activity 2 in your notebook/journal section of your binder:

Activity 2) August 21, 2014 Technology in the Classroom Journal (about a half page. )The letter from Ruth Marcus to The House of Representatives (p. 16 of The Introduction to Rhetoric chapter) discusses the issue of technology on the floor of the House of Representatives.  She gently and humorously argues it is a distraction.

LT is currently considering allowing student to BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) and may start issuing LT-purchases tablets to students beginning next year.  What do you think about the use of smart phones and tablets in the classroom?  Should they be allowed or not? What are the pros and cons of their use in the classroom? 
Should they be allowed but only under certain conditions?  If so, what conditions?  Write for approximately 5 minutes.

No homework, but please bring 
  • the Tortilla Curtain 
  • and the handouts which comprise Chapter 1, Introduction to Rhetoric, from The Language of Composition

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