Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014 3AP

Learning Target - I will continue to create a foundation for rhetorical awareness as a reader and writer.

Bellringer: Read the activity at the bottom of page 23 in The Language of Composition...Label the journal entry as follows August 25, 2014, Reading Images (p 22 of LOC) Then write a well developed paragraph (7-11 sentences) which answers the questions at the bottom of the page. (5 minutes)

Underneath your previous entry...On pages 36-38, we have a list of rhetorical terms from this chapter.  One term is polemic.  Review that definition and then look back to the image at the top of page 25.  Do you think that image/advertisement is a polemic?  Why or why not? (4-6 sentences)

Pair and share discussion

Please label this journal entry as follows: August 22, 2014 Tortilla Curtain Post-discussion Reflection...
Please answer each of the following, but don't use people's names unless you are describing something positive a person does. I want us to learn from this experience, not judge or call each other out. 
  • How do feel your small group discussion went overall?  
  • Did it seem like people were actively listening to one another? What signs - both spoken and non-verbal - did you see which suggested that people were either actively listening or perhaps not? 
  • How about the speaking part of the discussion? Did participants remember to provide some plot context and direct people to where their passage was prior to reading it?  Could you hear them?
  • Did listeners in the group respond with thoughtful or affirming comments and questions which conveyed that they were listening carefully to the presenter?
  • Finally, what was the most interesting comment or question that you heard, who said it, and why did you find it interesting?

 1. Non-fiction Summer Reading Reflection Assignment...On a clean sheet of paper, copy/rewrite word-for word a paragraph from your book  which you felt was especially interesting, significant, or which you could relate to in some way.  (Make sure to include the author's last name and the page number at the end of the quote.) Oh, at the top of the page, please write "An excerpt from title of book you read".

Reflecting on the paragraph you wrote earlier, write a well-developed (7-11 sentences) reflection paragraph explaining what you felt was important and/or interesting about this passage. Some questions you might consider as you write that paragraph:
  • What was it about the passage caught your attention?
  • Did this textual quote appeal to you primarily through ethos, pathos, or logos and why?
  • Could you relate to it personally at any level?   
When you are finished, please give this to Mr. Wesley.

Homework: Study the terms on pages 36-38.  We will have a 10 point (multiple choice or matching) quiz tomorrow on those terms. Also, read pp. 38-51 in the LOC.

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