Thursday, April 30, 2015

AP Language & Comp test prep, Day 2

Learning Target:  I can identify and reflect on AP question types designed to assess specific types of rhetorical awareness.

Bellringer: What did you find most challenging about yesterday's passages and questions?
Keep in mind that you had only 25-26 minutes to answer 25 questions, while on a normal AP exam you would have 60 minutes to answer 55 questions (i.e., you would have potentially had a few more seconds for each question if this were an actual AP exam). Time was probably a factor for most of you, so definitely reflect on that, but also try to reflect on at least one other challenge you experienced yesterday. (4 mins)

Pair and share with someone near you. (2 mins)

Activity 1: Read and annotate Analysis of the Directions and Test-Taking Strategies on pages 10-12 (top half). (5 mins)       Quick write (1 minute):  Which tips were most helpful or surprising?

Pair and share with someone near you (2 mins)

Activity 2: Music Break (5 minutes)...

Discuss one of your Mix Tapes songs with your partner.  What makes it a top-ten lifetrack for you?  

Whole class music sharing (5 mins)...If I call on you, tell the class a little about the song your partner shared with you.

Activity 3: Read the Question Categories on pp 12-14.  Then, take out the question packet from yesterday, and then, working with a partner, label each question (1-25) according to the question type. (15 minutes)

Activity 4 (10 mins):  Mr. Wesley returns your score sheet. Working independently, turn to page 20 to figure out which ones you missed and what the question category was for each missed question - label the question types next to the questions in the passage and question types or your grade/cam sheet. Also, on pages 21-22, read the answer explanations for the questions you missed.

Homework:  On the turnitin discussion board, write a paragraph reflection on the following: 1) The primary challenges you faced with the practice MC section and 2) what you might work (strategy-wise or skill/content-wise) to improve your reading passage scoring moving forward.  (2 points)

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