Friday, April 17, 2015

HW: Read to the break at the top of 288 for Tuesday. (Group Guidance on Monday)

Part 1: Summary... With your assigned partner, do your best to paraphrase/summarize your  assigned chapter as best as you are able in about one-page. embedding at least four quotes into the summary. 

Part 2: Analysis of Challenges... After your summary, feel free to acknowledge particular ambiguities and uncertainties surrounding particularly challenging lines, format, or organization.  Identify one or two particularly challenging lines/passages of the chapter, explaining why they are difficult and proposing possible interpretation. About a paragraph in length.

When all the groups are done, read your respective summaries and analyses of challenges to the other tandems within your group and then ask if they have any questions, corrections, comments.  After receiving feedback, the tandem which just presented can make edits to their summary and analysis sections if necessary.

Hand in to Mr. Wesley at the end of class.

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