Monday, April 13, 2015

Chapter 17: Paul D keeps repeating "'this ain't her mouth'" while Stamp Paid is trying to tell him about what Sethe has done (185). Why does Morrison have Paul keep repeating how the mouth in the drawing isn't Sethe's? Is it his way of saying it was not really Sethe who did this horrible thing? Is he just in denial?

Chapter 18: Sethe mentions how "there wasn't nobody" to talk to about how to take care of children (188). Is the lack of a mentor to help Sethe raise her children part of the reason why she felt she had to kill her children to protect them? If there would have been another mother around Sethe would it have changed the decision she made?

Homework:  Read a portion of Chapter 19( from 199 to the break near the top of 222). Please post one question for discussion on

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