Monday, April 27, 2015

Choose one of the following prompts and write an insightful, coherent, and textually-supported essay in response. You may use your copy of Beloved to help you find pertinent quotes for your essay (each essay should contain three to four properly cited (pg #) quotes embedded into your sentences).  The essay is worth 70 possible points, and I will assess it holistically according to the rubric on the back of your essay prompt sheet (please staple that sheet to the back of your essay).  Also, submit a digital copy of your essay to

1. Choose a character from Beloved who is pulled in conflicting directions. Identify the forces of conflict and explain how this illustrates the meaning of the novel as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

4. The quest for power is a strong human drive. Choose a character from Beloved who either seeks to gain power over another or seeks to free himself or herself from the power of another. Write an essay in which you illustrate how this power struggle is essential to the meaning of the novel. Avoid mere plot summary. 

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