Friday, September 23, 2016

*Please pick up chapter 17-24 vocab list (also see below)

*Quick review of changes to schedule (see changes below in red)

* Discuss your inferential questions with small group. Also discuss possible reasons for why Hawthorne leaves so much room for speculation as to what was on Dimmesdale's chest.

After the discussion, as a group, write the following on a sheet of paper and hand it in to me. We will use these questions in our whole class discussion on Monday.

* your names

* two discussion questions (written last night) that lead to the most lively parts of your disucssion today

* and, two new questions related to ideas that you felt Hawthorne was trying to explore or answer in this novel.  That is, he seems to be wrestling with a number of specific questions that are religious, psychological, relational, moral, cultural, etc.   So try to articulate two specific questions you felt he was exploring.  There are many possibilities, so avoid writing cliche'd or overly broad questions.  

9/26 Scarlet Letter

Review Day

Officially receive essay prompts...
Review for quiz...ten vocab words you will have to know


1st half of novel Quiz on chptr 17-24 vocab and content (30 pts)
Late Start Day

2nd half of novel (ch 17-24) quiz rhet analysis passages (20 pnts)
Scarlet Letter 1st draft due
Peer reviews
2nd draft of Scarlet Letter Due

Peer Reviews

The Scarlet Letter…Chapter 17-24 vocab list
  1. contiguity the attribute of being so near as to be touching
  2. misanthropy hatred of mankind
  3. dolefully with sadness; in a sorrowful manner
  4. satiate fill to satisfaction
  5. ignominy a state of dishonor
  6. effluence the process of flowing out
  7. denizen a plant or animal naturalized in a region
  8. choleric  characterized by anger
  9.      mollify cause to be more favorably inclined

  1. vicissitude a variation in circumstances or fortune
  2. obeisance  bending the head or body in reverence or submission
  3. enjoin  give instructions to or direct somebody to do something
  4. necromancy  conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying
  5. indefatigable  showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality
  6. apotheosize  deify or glorify
  7. lurid glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
  8. portent a sign of something about to happen
  9. comport behave in a certain manner

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