Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pick up a vocabulary list for chapters 1-4.  I will only quiz you on the first 15 words on the list (because I am a softy)

Hopefully you have been looking up challenging words as you have read, so these will not all be new to you.  If they are all new, study extra hard.

Please pick up a piece of construction paper, fold it over three times (tri-fold) so that it will stand stably on your desk.  Write your first name in fairly large letters (large enough to be seen from across the room) in dark pen or marker.  Do not throw these out! We will use them tomorrow and other days in the first quarter.

Take out your inferential questions.
For those of you who might not have written fully developed inferential questions last night, please do not do them now. But, please write them for tomorrow's discussion.  If you do this, I will redeem your lost points tomorrow.

I will place you in groups of four.  

You will take 25 minutes to thoughtfully discuss one question from each person in your group (about 5-6 minutes per question).

Remember good listening and discussion habits!

Strive to always use some textual evidence (guiding people to page and pargraph) to support  your response, even if your response relies largely on inference. We are trying to develop close reading habits, paying attention to BOTH the text (authorial intent) and your interpretations (reader response) of the text.

Towards the end of class, we will perhaps have a fish bowl discussion, involving me and one small group.

Please hand in your questions at the end of class...

HW: Two chapter 1-4 quizzes for tomorrow.  Study the vocab list and review chapters 1-4.  Vocab quiz tomorrow...10 questions/10 points

Reading Quiz: 10 questions for 10 points

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