Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Create a quiz...

Content and vocab quiz will be tomorrow...

Seven chapters...

If your question is good enough, I'll use it.

Multiple Choice questions...Choices A through E

Identify who is speaking, being described, who is speaking whom, etc.

Write a fill in the blank sentence with enough context clues to allow students to choose the correct word.  Wherever possible, embed Scarlet Letter or modern allusions as mnemonic devices to help the words stick. The format will be a word bank at the top. Make sure you know how to use them grammatically in a sentence.  Consult phone for examples if you are unsure.

Group 1 
1. contiguity the attribute of being so near as to be touching
2. misanthropy hatred of mankind

3. dolefully with sadness; in a sorrowful manner

Group 2
4. satiate fill to satisfaction

5. ignominy a state of dishonor
6. effluence the process of flowing out

Group 3
7. denizen a plant or animal naturalized in a region
8. choleric  characterized by anger
9.     mollify cause to be more favorably inclined

Group 4
10. vicissitude a variation in circumstances or fortune
11. obeisance  bending the head or body in reverence or submission
12. enjoin  give instructions to or direct somebody to do something

Group 5
13. necromancy  conjuring up the dead, especially for prophesying
14. indefatigable  showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality

Group 6
15. apotheosize  deify or glorify

16. lurid glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism

Group 7
17. portent a sign of something about to happen
18. comport behave in a certain manner

A. comport  
B. misanthropy
C. mollify
D. enjoin
E. indefatigable

AB. portent
AC. contiguity
AD. denizen
AE. effluence

BC. satiate
BD. dolefully
BE. lurid

CE. choleric

DE. enjoin

A. obeisance
B. necromancy
C. apotheosize
D. indefatigable
E. ignominy

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