Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hit and Run...

What is the relationship between natural, untamed places and the American identity?

When you enter the working world, do you want to be your own boss or would you be okay working for someone else?

What type of work do you think would best fit your personality and how you see yourself as an individual?

What does it mean to be a man in America? 

Do you think boys or girls better prepared for life in the modern world? Why? Beyond gender, what personality types thrive in school, work, society?

Homework:  Read and annotate The Misfits.
Write two textually based discussion questions. One inferential question which seeks either a deeper or clearer understanding a specific line/passage/character, etc. and one evaluative question in which you try to make some connection between an issue raised in the text and the world you live in?  

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