Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I still have to enter grades for a handful of Scarlet Letter papers, so you will get them back tomorrow.

Read the questions provided (focus only on inferential questions for now) and select two questions that you find to be well-written, truly challenging, and intriguing.  

Respond to each using at least one embedded quote in your response. Remember, inferential questions and responses to them   should be grounded in textual evidence upon which you base your interpretations.

Small group discussions (5 per group) alternating leadership of the discussion...When it is your turn to lead the discussion, use either an inferential question you wrote or one of the two you chose to respond to as the guiding question for that period of the discussion. During the discussion, hold each other accountable for using textual evidence in your answers. 

When you are done with your group discussion...begin drafting the following in your notebook in preparation for tonight's homework:

Tonight's homework...In, type two 5 to 7 sentence paragraph responses.  One should be in response to an inferential question of your choice and the other should be in response to an evaluative question of your choice.  Regarding the inferential question, remember that inferential questions and responses to them   should be grounded in textual evidence upon which you base your interpretations, so embed at least one quote (with page #) into your response to an inferential question.

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