Thursday, April 6, 2017


Choose a turnitin question that you have not already responded to and write a full parargraph response complete with supporting text and your own inferences.  Try to choose your words carefully, remembering to use strong tone/mood words and analytical verbs and words for comparison, as appropriate.

Why might Morrison have chosen to write what she did at the top of page 13 about the men "f___ing cows, dreaming of rape"? Is she denigrating them by presenting them in such way, or does she have another purpose?

What other behaviors of the men are juxtaposed/ contrasted with the "f______ing of cows, dreaming of rape"?  What is the cumulative effect of Morrison's portryal of the Sweet Home men? What do you think she wants the readers to think and feel about the men and their responses to the conditions of their lives? 

What kind of man is Paul D? What effect does he have on women? How might that affect the reader's perception of what he does and says?

Annotation Guides:

Character traits
Character relationships (map)
Questions for discussion

HW for Friday: Read and annotate Chapter 2. On post one textually rooted discussion question and respond to one.

In-class on Thursday, we will do the following:

Activity 1:  Three column journal. List of characters/relationship to other characters/key characteristics/details

Activity 2: What is the setting? Time, place, physical and cultural characteristics. 

Class discussion using student discussions

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