Monday, April 10, 2017

Beloved Chapter 3 Creative Response

April 10, 2017 Beloved Chapter 3 Creative Response

On Friday I forgot to post the weekend reading on the website (and among my three sections of 3AP, I believe eight people were absent), so there will be no additional reading today; however, if you have not already, make sure you finish chapter 3 and post one question and respond to another on

Also, please take some time to do one of the following creative responses to chapter 3 (5 points):

1)    If you enjoy drawing, draw a scene, a place (like 124), or a person from chapter 3; please take a photo and email it to me.

2)    Write about a place that for you, embodies the spirit (literally or metaphorically) of a person you know intimately, like 124 seems to embody the baby's spirit. But write about in a style similar to Morrison's style; mimic her cadence, her syntax, her pacing, her rich use of imagery. Make sure you convey something about both the person and place which inspired this piece. (about a page) Submit to Discussion Board, Beloved Chapter 3 Creative Response

3)    Write a Found Poem using words from chapter three. Found poems involve writing a poem using words that you find somewhere, in this case, Chapter 3 of Beloved. Submit to Discussion Board, Beloved Chapter 3 Creative Response.

*Find a scene which will serve as inspiration and a source of words for your poem.
It should be about a page to no more than three pages in length. 
*Circle thirty or so really good words that capture your attention due to their sound and/or meaning.
*Use those words and a sprinkling (five or less) of your own to create a poem inspired by the scene.

In addition to submitting digital copies to me, please bring your original paper version of your work tomorrow; be prepared to share an excerpt (or your drawing tomorrow).

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