Thursday, April 27, 2017

First half of class - Begin reading Beloved, chapter 15.

Second half of class - 
Review more rhetorical terms
Discuss Lincoln's purpose, strategy and specific moves to achieve that strategy...
Main purpose: Unify the country - minimize blame and desire for revenge,You can't just win the war, you need to win the peace. create a healing/forgiving atmosphere.  
What are some specific strategies he employs? Find examples of the following: (e.g., word choices/avoidance of certain words, limited time/words spent on potentially incendiary topic, allusions/appeals to authority, logos - theological reasoning)

Look at one student essay response

HW: Finish reading Beloved, ch 15-17 (pp 159-186). Very important chapters. Please post one discussion question to and respond to another.

Tomorrow: Discuss Beloved and do AP Prep

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