Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Beloved Chapter 3:

Creative Sharing: Show and describe your picture;
read aloud your poem; read your person and place narrative;

Chapter 3 Discussion: 

LAD Discussion Rubric




Personal Communication of Ideas
Does not contribute to the ongoing conversation nor respond to peers’ comments.

Comments continually lack insight and relevance.

Multiple filler words and hesitancies impede understanding of message.
Sometimes contributes to the ongoing conversations.

Comments occasionally are insightful and relevant but quality is inconsistent.

Some filler words and hesitancies are noticeable but do not impede understanding.
Contributes to the ongoing conversations.

Comments are consistently insightful and relevant.

Thoughts usually articulated fluidly with very few hesitancies or vocal fillers.
Actively stimulates and sustains further discussion by building on peers’ comments.

Comments are insightful, relevant, and creatively thought-provoking throughout. Knows when to alter angle of topic to illicit further discussion and comments.

Thoughts articulated fluidly throughout with no noticeable hesitancies or vocal fillers.
Personal Integration within the Group
Does not pay attention to discussion.

Comments insult group members through derogatory, defamatory, or condescending words or body language.

Monopolizes discussion time or refuses to talk at all - ever.

Communication causes conflict or derails the objectives of the discussion.

Refuses to move on from a topic.

Seems to pay attention to discussion but does not contribute willingly unless asked directly.

May interrupt others occasionally or monopolize conversation.

Comments are usually appropriate.
Pays attention to discussion as evidenced through nonverbal cues and frequently contributes to conversation.

Respectfully enters the conversation.

Occasionally makes positive, authentic validations of others’ comments when appropriate.

Allows others time to speak.

Comments are always appropriate.
Plays a role in facilitating discussion by encouraging others to contribute.

Frequently makes positive, authentic validations of others’ comments when appropriate.

Attempts to diffuse conflict when necessary.

Helps to regulate flow of conversation.

Tonight: Review the AP terms and look for examples of some of them as you read chapter 4 of Beloved for tomorrow. Continue annotating for other connections and questions.

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