Friday, October 16, 2015

"All hidden things 
are revealed to the outsider."

What do you think this means? Explain.

Provide a real world, cinematic or literary (not from The Scarlet Letter) example to help illustrate your interpretation.

Find a passage in The Scarlet Letter where Hawthorne appears to directly or indirectly address this idea through his characters or his narrator's commentary on the characters.  Write out the passage (or a key portion of it) and then explain how it relates to the idea at hand, feeling free to also expand into other portions of the text beyond the limits of the passage itself.

HW: Read chapters 20 and 21 for homework. Write an inferential question for discussion, posting it on in the Scarlet Letter chapter 20-21 discussion bin and respond to one other student question, using brief, embedded textual evidence to support your answer (2 points for writing a question and 2 points for responding to a question).

Check your LT email.  For those who struggled on the last quiz, I will be inviting some of you to join me on Monday at 7am in 210 to review portions of the quiz and/or work on close reading skills of pre-20th century prose. If you can not meet before school, please meet me at 3:10 on Monday afternoon.

On Tuesday, we will have a quiz similar to our last quiz.  It will cover chapters 14-21 (50 points - a mix of close reading, rhet analysis, and vocab (vocab will be limited to the chapter 15-19 list).

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