Thursday, October 15, 2015

Learning Target:  I can use a digital platform to communicate with others through questions and comments.  Through the digital platform, I can carefully articulate my responses to other students' questions and support my responses with direct quotes from the text.

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to discussions
  3. Post your inferential questions to 15-18 and 19, respectively; so, two questions total.
  4. Peruse the questions submitted by your classmates.  Then respond to two of them with thoughtful, textually-supported responses (three to five sentences, depending on the length of your sentences and the nature of the prompt). As support, embed one or two short quotes into the flow of your sentences, making sure to include the page #'s in parentheses. 
  5. You may, in your response, also allude to the reply of someone else to the same question, but make sure you are focused on the original question.
  6. If for some reason you did not finish within the class period, make sure to complete these tonight.
  7. Choose questions to respond to primarily based on your authentic interest in a question posed; however, also consider whether certain questions are still awaiting response
  8. We will do this more frequently in the future, so this is a good in-class practice run.
Homework:  Even if you are planning on responding to the original theme-articulation combined with rhetorical analysis essay prompt, type or neatly handwrite a page reflection on one of the four new options that you find most intriguing.  Although you don't need direct textual support, at least reference and paraphrase particular passages/events/etc., from particular chapters in the book which may speak to the particular prompt.  Primarily, however, let it be a free-flowing exploration of your thoughts in relation to the prompt. 

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